
Chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament
Chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament

He also prohibited circumcision and outlawed the animal sacrifices. He even offered pigs up at the Temple of Jehovah, and had it made the Temple of Zeus instead! The Seleucid Greek ruler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, persecuted the Jews very harshly for their religion, including ordering the burning of all the copies of the Old Testament.

chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament

This war is also mentioned in Daniel 8:9 - 14 and 11:31, and is covered in the books of the Maccabees commonly found in Catholic Bibles. The Jews today commemorate, at Hanukkah, the result of wars that gave them at least temporarily effective national independence against the Seleucids. The land of Palestine ultimately fell to the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, ruled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, in about 175 B.C. The Seleucids and the Egyptians fought back and forth over Palestine, Judea and the Holy Land.

chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament

Perhaps the most famous person of the Ptolemy line to rule Egypt in this period was Cleopatra, who committed suicide in 30 B.C.

chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament

various wars broke out among his generals for control of his empire, which was eventually split it into four parts. These wars and their outcome were predicted by Daniel (see Daniel 11:3 - 4 8:3 - 8, 20 - 22).Īnother war that took place during this time was between the Seleucid kingdom and the Egyptians led by the Ptolemies.

Chart timetable 400 years between old testament and new testament