C/S = MSPY and other "Chinese, Simplified" input methods for mainland and Singapore.(This can be changed in the current document via your font menu, or permanently in the default settings for each application, however I don't recommend changing the overall default system font. SimSun for Simplified Chinese (mainland/Singapore) keyboards.PMingLiU for Traditional Chinese (Taiwan/HK/Macau) keyboards.* The highlighted fonts are the system defaults: Simplified/Traditional Heiti, proportional *** Traditional Xi Ming ( Songti), proportiona l*** Traditional Xi Ming ( Songti), monospaced *** However, Windows 7 and Vista already include the following long list of Chinese fonts, (and a few more fonts were introduced in Windows 8 and 10): Font menu

Many people arrive here looking for additional fonts, so I'll start by pointing you folks to another page, my Survey of Free and Commercial Third-Party Fonts. Chinese fonts in Windows 7 and Vista :: Pinyin Joe